Have you ever felt like you're not "good enough"? Wondered, "How could God use me after what I've done?" or thought, "I'm not smart or strong enough for that"? The amazing thing about God's plan is that it doesn't depend on our strength. Over the four sessions of Good Enough, we'll explore people in the Bible whom God used in extraordinary ways. They weren't "good enough" by human standards, but they all had one thing in common—they made themselves available to God. Join us to discover how God can use anyone, including you, for His incredible purposes.
Good Enough: His Power Made Perfect in Us
Good Enough is a four-session sermon series, explores what it means to be good enough for God to use us. Here's the truth: none of us are good enough on our own. Yet, God chooses each of us for a glorious purpose within His plans, and only He can help us fulfill it. Join us as we discover how God's strength is made perfect in our weakness and how He can use anyone for His purposes.