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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
Why Senior Adults Are Important to Your Ministry and How to Involve Them

Why Senior Adults Are Important to Your Ministry and How to Involve Them

Senior Adults can be some of the nicest and most gracious people you will meet in the church.  In the same light, they can be some of the most challenging people you will deal with. Here are a few thoughts on why they are so crucial to your ministry even though your title may be Youth Pastor.

1. Senior adults are important to God regardless of their age. As believers, we are called to minister to everyone, not just those that fall under our title. I think it's important to remember that older people still have some of the same needs as everyone else. They want to feel needed, respected, and loved. By investing in senior adults, even when it is challenging, you and your students could see incredible results in not only ministry opportunities but in ministry results.

2. Senior adults tend to pray more than any other age group. That should be enough, but just let me say it: who does not need more prayer?

3. Senior adults tend to be faithful givers. They may be in a financial position to contribute greatly, or they may give out of sacrifice. It's always good to have the people that give on your side when it gets to budget time.

4. Senior adults also have the most time to provide feedback, either as compliments or criticism. It's better to have them as advocates instead of enemies.

Four simple tips on including them in your ministry:

1. Serve them. Simple, right? Visit shut-ins in nursing homes. Do projects for the widows of your church. Not only will you create real ministry for your students, but you will win over a large population of your church.

2. Serve with them. I know of a church that coordinated their youth choir tour with their senior adult choir tour. While they didn't schedule every event together, they were able to share meals during the trip. Look for projects for your youth and seniors to serve together, and you will not believe the bond this will begin to create.

3. Speed Dating. What? One church had their senior adults bring an old picture that meant a lot to them, and their students rotated as each senior adult had the opportunity to share their story. The results were more significant for the students than the seniors.

4. Genius Bar. Allow your senior adults to bring their smartphones, tablets, or computers to lunch and have students that can sit down and answer questions and help them understand all of the benefits.


Join in the conversation with Lee Moore and Jake Rasmussen about Senior Adults and Youth Ministry.

Posted by YM360 - YouthMinistry360 on Thursday, March 8, 2018


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