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Reviewing The New Faithlife Study Bible From Logos


Our friend Jeff and the fine folks over at Logos have offered us a coupon code that allows the ym360 Community to download the Faithlife Study Bible for FREE!

The coupon code is ANDYBLANKS. That was Jeff's idea not ours, promise! :)

Look for this section, then enter your code. Once you do, go ahead and either log in or create your LOGOS account, then you can finish the check out process.

A BIG thanks to Logos for the generous offer!

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At ym360, weâre pretty passionate about seeing teenagers draw near to God and be increasingly changed by this relationship. As weâve said countless times in workshops and books, experiencing a closeness with God canât happen without really knowing God. And Godâs number one way for us to know Him is through the Bible. And so weâre always on the lookout for solid resources that can help teenagers and youth workers alike encounter God through His Word.

Recently, we ran across one of those resources. We liked it, and so we wanted you to know about it.

Weâve been test-driving the new Faithlife Study Bible (FSB) from Logos Bible Software, and we have to say itâs pretty slick. I noticed in the last year or so that the number of tablets and smart phones being used by students finally seemed to outnumber those with print Bibles. Leveraging a resource like the FSB creates a ton of value in your teaching time.

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There is a lot to like about the FSB. Hereâs a quick list of the features we thought have the most potential impact for a youth ministry context:

  • The ability to create community groups may be the coolest youth ministry application. The FSB lets you create groups. Anyone who has access to your group can see notes you create, reading plans, lesson outlines, even reminders. So, you can quickly see how this could change your Bible teaching time.
  • The FSB is robust! It has a ton of really relevant notes, including a nice dictionary, and articles that add a pretty fair amount of depth to your engagement in Scripture.
  • The interface is really easy to use and pretty intuitive. We like that the notes are âlayeredâ: When you need them, theyâre there. When you donât, they can go away.
  • The pictures are AWESOME! We love that the FSB provides access to Logosâ extensive image library. You can access high quality images of relevant biblical places. This adds such a rich layer to your Bible reading experience, especially as it pertains to teaching teenagers.
  • It works across multiple platforms. We tried it on iPad, iPhone, and on our laptop and it functioned great. It works on Android as well.

Check out this video to learn more about the Faithlife Study Bible:


Anytime we review a resource, we try to be even-handed and give the cons with the pros. Honestly, we don't really have any major flaws to report with the FSB. We guess for those used to using free Bible apps like YouVersion, the FSBâs 29.95 price tag might be considered a drawback. But, thereâs really no comparison between the FSB and a free Bible app. Plus, weâve sampled other Study Bible apps on the market and they have comparable price structures, as well.

Additionally, if you want to use a translation other than the proprietary one that comes as the default on the FSB, you'll have to pay to "unlock" it. But itâs a one-time price point that's very reasonable, and the process of unlocking it is pretty simple. So, again, nothing major in the "con" department.

All in all, the FSB is a really awesome piece of technology weâd definitely recommend for youth workers and teenagers.

You can get all the info you need by visiting

What about you? Have you tried out the FSB? If so, what did you think?

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