Making Good From Bad
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."--Romans 8:28
"Intervention" was a reality television program that premiered a few years ago. If you are familiar with it, it was about people who struggle with addictions, and those who help them find their way out. I once saw an episode that featured a woman talking about her addiction to prescription pain medication. Now a drug rehabilitation counselor, she helped people overcome their own addictions.
This episode has stuck with me over the years because of this woman's perspective on her past. She spoke about her past so eloquently. She said that despite the personal heartache and agony she faced, she would not change a thing about her life because of the amazing way God was using her in her current situation.
Romans 8:28 is a truth that speaks so fittingly to this woman's situation. And it speaks to your situation, as well, whatever it may be.
This promise from Romans is for people who love God and are called according to His purposes. (Which can almost be looked at as two ways of describing the same thing, don't you think?) God has a wonderful way of taking our joys and our sorrows and molding us into exactly what He needs us to be. God works through (and often in spite of) our circumstances to not only bring good for us, but to bring glory to Him and His Kingdom. This isn't wishful thinking. This is a promise from God. And God is eternally faithful in keeping His Word.
No matter what you're going through today, you can trust this wonderful promise from the Bible.
God will honor our joys and redeem our struggles, turning them into something GOOD. As you encounter life's struggle, look for the hand of God at work in your life. Take comfort and hope and joy at God's desire to work in and through you.
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