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- Helping Youth Pastors Disciple Students Since 2010 -
Linked Post: One-On-One Youth Ministry Mentoring

Linked Post: One-On-One Youth Ministry Mentoring

God Centered Youth Ministry is a relatively new youth ministry web site. We've really enjoyed their content and their approach to youth ministry. It's good stuff.

This is an article from Klye Lundquist that outlines a really fascinating approach to mentoring. 

As I read the post, I thought to myself that this method would take a heavy investment in recruitment and management. But, I can see how the rewards would be well worth the investment. I've dropped an excerpt in below. Read the entire article on God Centered Youth Ministry by clicking the link at the end of the excerpt. 

The ultimate goal of youth ministry is to glorify God as we make disciples. Everything that we do should focus on this goal. Sermons, small groups, camps, events, and conversations over lunch are ultimately for the sake of God being glorified as our students grow and mature in Christ.

One of the best things my staff and I have done to make disciples in the past year is to initiate 1×1 mentoring relationships with our students. As I’m writing this, I’m realizing that I should probably have a catchy name for our mentoring program, but I don’t. We just call them “one on ones” (1×1’s), because that’s what they are…

Anyway, here are the details on what we do, and why it might be helpful in your youth ministry.

 CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article on God Centered Youth Ministry
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