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A Free Discipleship Framework For Your Youth Ministry

A Free Discipleship Framework For Your Youth Ministry

The process by which teenagers grow to become more like Christ looks a little different from church to church, doesn't it? There are some similarities, of course. Some common elements you'd expect to find. But, the actual nuts and bolts of how this happens looks a little differently. But, we all want the same outcome. We all want to see students grow in their faith. We want them to become authentic Christ-followers. In a word, we want them to become disciples.

But what does a disciple look like? How would you define the end goal? The great thing is that we don't have to try to pull this answer out of mid-air. The Bible has a lot to say about this.


A few years ago, we did a fun exercise. We read through the Bible looking for descriptions of disciples. We wanted to see the picture Scripture painted of what a Christ-follower looked like. As we compiled verses and passages, some common characteristics began to emerge. And as we distilled them further, we landed on six specific characteristics, or traits that all disciples have.

Over the years we've taught them in youth ministry workshops and in small groups, both with teenagers and adults alike. And these traits have helped us in our own lives think about our growth as Christ-followers. And because we think they're a really helpful way to think about what we want our students to become, we want to share them with you, too.

We've put together an e-book that passes along these six discipleship traits and challenges you to consider how to implement them in your youth ministry. Our hope is that you can utilize this picture to see your grow closer to Christ, becoming more authentic followers as a result.

To download your FREE copy of The Six (Biblical) Discipleship Traits, simply CLICK HERE.

And when you've finished checking it out, let us know what you think.
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