Cultural Relevancy and Youth Ministry: Know The Bible. Know Teenagers
Did you know that the ym360 Blog has over 900 youth ministry articles on it? With this much great content, from time to time, we like to re-publish one of the more impactful articles from past years. Here's a pre-published article that is just a valid today as when it was originally published. Hope you enjoy.
Lately I've listened to a conversation going on in youth ministry circles on whether or not it's valuable to be versed in youth culture . . . to be "culturally relevant." I think this conversation is of vital importance to us as youth workers. Give me 4 minutes of your time to share my thoughts (and I welcome yours, as well).
I believe youth workers must strive to be experts in two things: Scripture and culture. Let me explain.
We know the truth of Scripture is timeless. It's as effective today at spiritual transformation as it was hundreds and thousands of years ago. However, culture is not timeless. Culture is fluid. It changes with time and geography. You would never attempt to reach a people group in another culture without considering that culture's unique realities. You wouldn't travel to rural Chongqing, China and teach the exact same lesson you would teach in Idaho Falls. While the underlying biblical truths have a universal application, the cultural "vehicle" through which your lesson is communicated would be wholly ineffective.
I believe as youth workers we should approach reaching our students with the same level of cultural awareness that we would take in approaching another people group in another culture. Why? What are the benefits of a commitment to cultural relevancy? Glad you asked.
- It's Strategic--Knowing youth culture helps you tailor your message in order to deliver Scripture's un-changing truth in a way that is wrapped in the rhetoric of the society surrounding your students.
- It Shows You Care--Whenever I travel internationally, I learn some basic conversational phrases in the native language. When I need something and engage someone in their native language (however clumsily), they are much more inclined to help. It shows that I value their culture. Knowing youth culture says the same thing to your students.
- It's Proactive--If you're aware of a trend, movie, or TV show that you know you will need to respond to, you can be proactive in engaging your students. By doing so, you have the opportunity to equip your students with a biblical response to whatever the specific issue is.
- You Become a Resource for Parents--I heard Josh McDowell say that the generation gap between parents and teenagers is wider than it has ever been . . . and parents don't know it exists! You can become an invaluable resource for parents as they try and raise children in a culture that is pretty hostile to the ways of God's Kingdom.
So, I've answered the "why." What's the "how"? How do we make sure we are as culturally relevant as we can be when it comes to youth culture? It's actually pretty simple:
Become A Student Of Your Students' Culture
Watch the movies they watch. Read the magazines they read. Visit the websites they visit. Listen to music they listen to. By doing so you craft your cultural vocabulary. You will know the cultural factors influencing your students.
Engage Students in Cultural Conversation
Titus 2:12 says that we are to "say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age." You can help your students know how to say "no" to the harmful elements of culture by engaging them in conversation regarding the cultural influences in their lives.
Look for the Bridges to God's Word
I believe one of your goals as a youth worker is to help your students develop a biblical worldview, to be able to see the world through the filter of Scripture. It's vitally important to look for bridges back to Scripture as you discuss what you see in culture. By doing so, you help students rise above the negative effects of culture.
As I stated earlier, I believe all youth workers are called to be versed in culture. Want biblical evidence? Look no further than the way Paul conducted himself in Athens. Acts 17:22-23 says this:
Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship.
Paul studied Athenian culture then used this knowledge to craft a Gospel message unique to his audience. It is our call as youth workers to be committed to the same level of cultural relevancy.
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