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Hurry, take advantage of the Spooky Awesome Sale! Now through 10/31 at 11:59 PM CT! You get 40% OFF nearly everything in the YM360 store. Don't wait because these deals will be gone SCARY FAST!


A Fall Resource Sale from YM360

  • Follow: Learning What It Means To Be A Disciple


    Follow: Learning What It Means To Be A Disciple, a four-session sermon series, will help your students understand that when they give their lives to Jesus, they aren’t just making a decision about their life after death; they are making a decision about their present life and what it means to follow Jesus as His disciple.

  • Little Sins: Zooming In On A Big Problem


    Little Sins is a four-session sermon series that will confront your students’ misbelief that there are such things as “little” sins. By discussing four sins they are sometimes tempted to see as less severe than others, Little Sins will challenge your students to see all sins as equally destructive and urge them to love God and their neighbor more sincerely.

  • Babylon: Following Jesus In A Foreign Land


    BABYLON: is a four-session sermon series that will help your students understand that as they follow Jesus, their liveswill look drastically different than the world around them. Students will learn what it looks like to stand strong in their faith even when they are faced with all the world’s temptations, and they will be better prepared to live for God in our modern-day Babylon.

  • Good News, Great Joy, All People


    Good News, Great Joy, All People is a five-session sermon series that will challenge your students’ perspectives of what Christmas is all about. By slowing down and studying in depth the angel’s message to the shepherds, your students will come to learn that Christmas is more than a one-night event. It’s the long-awaited fulfillment of God’s promise to His people. Your students will be encouraged to see the arrival of Jesus as the only thing that brings freedom from fear, great joy, and good news to all people. 

  • Warrior: Putting On The Whole Armor of God


    WARRIOR: a four-session sermon series that will help your students better understand and be prepared for the spiritual battle that rages all around us. Students will learn that, as followers of Jesus, we are all warriors in a daily high stakes spiritual battle, but we can have confidence because Jesus has already won the war. In addition, they’ll learn to understand and utilize the different pieces of spiritual armor God has gifted us to fight this battle so that we can experience victory in Jesus.

  • Table Talk: Sitting With Jesus


    Table Talk is a four-session sermon series that will focus on four conversations Jesus had while sharing meals with His disciples and others. This series will challenge your students to evaluate their heart posture toward things like repentance, love, busyness, and pride and consider how their lives can reflect the heart of Jesus at the table.

  • Knowing God: A 3-Lesson Bible Study


    Knowing God, a three-lesson Bible study, will help students move beyond merely knowing about what God has done in other people’s lives, and to truly know God for themselves, that Jesus is the most visible picture of who God is we have, and that knowing God is not merely a concept, but a truth that transforms who we are and our view of God’s mission.

  • Four Letter Words: Learning To Make More Of Jesus And Less Of Ourselves


    Four-Letter Words: Learning To Make More Of Jesus And Less Of Ourselves, a four-session sermon series, will challenge your students to shift their perspective on the priorities in their life and ask the questions: What could our faith look like if we actively put Jesus in the number one spot in our life? What could God do in us and through us if we began placing everything we want secondary to everything God wants for us?

  • Smoke: God's Present-Tense Presence


    SMOKE: a four-session sermon series, will explore four incredible Old Testament stories where God interacted with His people through smoke and fire. This series will challenge your students to step into God’s presence, power, provision, and priority. As they stare into the smoke and see how God reveals Himself, their hearts will be set on fire by God’s present-tense presence

  • Seven Letters: A Message From Jesus To His People


    Seven Letters is a four-session sermon series that will call your students to carefully examine their current spiritual life and walk with Jesus. By walking through the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, your students will be challenged to see the potential dangers in their lives and equipped to overcome them to grow in their faith.

  • Youth Group Games: Seven Book Bundle

    from $44.99

    Coming up with fun and engaging games for your youth group can be a daunting task. Through years of creating summer camps and working with youth ministries, J. Roger Davis has created SEVEN Youth Group Games books, each packed with 25 field-tested must-play games. The Youth Group Games: Book Bundle includes Water Games, Relay Games, Group Building Games, Large Group Games, Stage Games, Messy Games, and Dodgeball Games. This bundle is the perfect resource to help you hit a home run with your students at your next mid-week service, retreat, or event! 

    from $44.99