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  • [Video Training] Spiritual Disciplines: Walking With Christ


    As someone called to youth ministry, you're passionate about discipling teenagers. You're passionate about pouring into students and their families. You love the work you do with youth and the local church. You spend countless hours and sacrifice much to live out that calling and that passion. However, sometimes in the living out of that passion and calling, we find ourselves pouring out more than we are filling up. Sometimes we can find ourselves beginning to waver in our walk with the Lord. So in this training, we're going to be taking a look at some of those spiritual disciplines we need to be regularly practicing to be filled and renewed as we live our ministry calling. In session one, we will cover the inward disciplines of prayer, study, fasting, and meditation. In session two, we will cover the outward disciplines of servanthood and simplicity, solitude, and submission. Lastly, in session three, we will walk through the corporate disciplines of worship, celebration, guidance, and confession.

  • [Video Training] C.R.A.M.: Time Management Of Getting It All Done Each Week


    Youth ministry never stops! Every new student, new family, new volunteer, or new ground taken in your ministry starts a new plate spinning. Not to mention all the added responsibilities that, for some reason, didn't seem to make it on your pre-hire job description. Before you know it, your potential success in youth ministry can be overtaken or completely undermined by your inability to get it all done. In this two-session masterclass, you'll learn how to take the reins of your time and personal management by implementing the C.R.A.M. strategy.

  • [Video Training] Developing Your Team To Serve


    You have a group of dedicated volunteers. They show up when they are supposed to, and they do what is asked of them. . .for the most part. But how do you develop that group to serve others well? How do you motivate them to approach serving teenagers as more than just being dutiful to the Lord? How do you lead, train, and support that group so that they go from a "group of individuals" to a team? Join Dr. Jody Dean in this two-session Masterclass on-demand to hear how he's training students at New Orleans Baptist Seminary to develop a team that serves.

  • [Video Training] Eleven Tips To Keep Your Soul Healthy While In Ministry


    As a youth ministry leader, it's so easy to get focused on all the things (preaching, recruiting, training, partnering with parents, event planning, meetings, etc.) that we can neglect the most important thing; the state of our own souls. We are called to minister out of the overflow of our own hearts. Instead, we often find ourselves ministering out of the overflow of our own exhaustion, frustration, and emptiness. This is not sustainable or healthy ministry! So in this On-Demand Masterclass, let's talk through 11 tips to keep your soul healthy while leading a youth ministry.

  • [Video Training] 12 Tips On Developing Your Volunteer Leader Team


    Youth ministry leaders, hear me out. Recruiting, training, developing, equipping, and retaining volunteer leaders is critical to the success of your ministry. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that your level of success or failure in the areas of building and developing your volunteer leaders will be directly proportional to the success or failure of your ministry's growth and impact. Yes, volunteer leaders matter that much! You may think that you are Superman or that you can be a one-man band, but a reality check says you are not, and you can’t. No matter how great and charismatic of a leader you are, without great, bought-in, equipped, passionate volunteer leaders, you and your ministry are going to struggle and wither in effectiveness. But if you can surround yourself with a team of great volunteer leaders, the sky is the limit because those leaders have the potential to have an even greater impact on how your ministry runs and the effectiveness that it has in ministering to students. With that in mind, here are 12 tips on developing your volunteer leader team.

  • [Video Training] Caring For Your Staff Team


    Nobody in ministry does it alone; we need volunteers, parents, students, and staff around us. While a staff team is not a guarantee in every youth ministry context, if and when you end up leading a staff team (or a volunteer team), they are worth taking care of. What are some things you need to consider when it comes to leading, growing, and caring for your staff? Let's talk about it.

  • [Video Training] Preteen/Middle School Ministry 101


    Ministry to a middle school audience is challenging and extremely rewarding. This is the phase of life where questions are being asked, doubts are being processed, and brains are being hard-wired. In these three training sessions, Kevin and Ethan will dispel some of the myths and stigmas that come with working with middle schoolers, and they will walk you through some ways to fully lean into your middle school students.

  • [Video Training] 4 Key Areas For Preaching & Sermon Prep


    One of the greatest privileges and most important things we do as youth ministry leaders is to communicate, teach, and proclaim God's Word to teenagers. It is critical that we honor that Holy privilege by putting in the time, effort, and study as we prepare. In this training session, we will do a deep dive into sermon prep and uncover what I believe to be four key areas in our preaching and sermon prep.

  • [Video Training] Recruiting & Maintaining Volunteers


    No matter how good your youth ministry is, people will be more prone to come on board, stay, serve selflessly, and recruit others to join when they feel like they belong to a group of people; rather than feeling like just someone who is accomplishing some random mission and vision. So how do you build clear expectations, space, relationships, and community when it comes to recruiting and maintaining volunteers? Join me in this one-session Masterclass on-demand to find out.

  • [Video Training] Preaching The Bible In A Changing Culture


    Our world has changed. The pandemic has reshaped every aspect of our culture, including the rhythms surrounding our faith. When preaching the Bible to teenagers, some best-practices are timeless and unchanging. And there are also new variables that must be considered. In this session, Andy will walk youth ministry leaders through the non-negotiables of effectively preaching the Word to students in a culture that is radically changing around us.

  • [Video Training] What Teens Need (And How That Has Changed)


    The experience of living as a teenager is, in some ways, the same as it's ever been. But in other ways, that experience has dramatically changed (and not only because of social media; and not only because of the pandemic). Marko will provide youth ministry leaders with a quick overview of the history of modern youth culture, highlighting the Belonging lens through which most teenagers now view everything (with a bunch of implications and applications).

  • [Video Training] Creating Parenting Rockstars


    You know the disappointment of planning a parenting event for your ministry and having few, if any, parents bothering to attend. You watch as the parents in your church sit on the spiritual sidelines of their teenagers. You feel the frustration as parents respond to the cultural tides their teens face with fear, anger, and resentment. The easy path for you is to step in and become the disciple-maker of the teenagers in your church. The most rewarding path, however, is to find a way to inspire parents to do it. But how do you do that? Our session together will give you the tools you need to equip, encourage, and empower the parents (grandparents and guardians) of the teenagers in your church. And learning how to leverage these tools will help you to leave a legacy of impact that will last long after you are gone.

  • [Video Training] Christ-Centered Illustrations In A Self-Centered World


    Illustrations are not the most important part of preaching and teaching God's Word to teenagers. However, thinking through our illustrations helps our listeners, no matter their age, hold onto what is the hope of Jesus. Join lead teaching pastor, founder of the "Through-Line Cohort," podcast host, and highly sought-after youth ministry communicator Chad Poe for a time of challenge and instruction on effectively communicating biblical truths for lasting Kingdom impact.

  • [Video Training] Soul Care 101: Only Healthy Leaders Can Lead Healthy Ministries


    When was the last time someone asked you, “How is your soul?” When was the last time you asked yourself that question? Maybe most importantly, when was the last time you slowed down long enough to honestly answer or do something about your answer to that question? Let’s spend some time together talking about caring for our souls because only healthy leaders can lead healthy ministries.

  • [Video Training] Practical Steps To Building A Whole Family Ministry


    We all know that "partnering with parents" is important, but nobody ever goes on to tell you what successful "partnering with parents" looks like exactly or how I am supposed to do that impactfully from my youth pastor role. What if there was a better way to meet the spiritual and felt needs of the families within your church? What if making that church-wide change could start inside your youth ministry and with you as a youth ministry leader? Join Chris Sasser as he shares some practical steps to building a whole family ministry and how your youth ministry can act as the catalyst for change.

  • [Video Training] Generational Challenges & Youth Ministry


    Author Haydn Shaw says, “People often turn to religion for comfort and guidance in a changing and sometimes confusing world but find with five different generations, it is impossible to keep everyone on the same page. Younger generations are not willing to wait for styles and approaches to change—they simply go somewhere else or stay home. Because religious organizations survive only if they are able to attract the next generation, this may be the most important issue they face.” Part of your calling and living out your role as a leader in youth ministry is to help bridge the generational gap that exists within the walls of your church and help teenagers and adults alike navigate generational change. In this two-session masterclass, Dr. Jody Dean will walk you through some ways to do just that.

  • [Video Training] Doing Youth Ministry Passionately But With An Easy Yoke & Light Burden


    In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus makes a promise to all who submit to Him, saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” However, as a youth ministry leader, there are seasons where the yoke and the burden feel anything but easy or light. Join me in this single-session masterclass as I share seven things you need to remember when ministry starts to feel heavy.

  • [Video Training] Faithing Outside The Lines Through Urban Ministry


    Have you ever had the desire to do urban ministry, but unsure how or where to start? Ministering and serving effectively in environments that are unfamiliar can be a challenge. However, it is possible. When Jesus gave the disciples the great commission to spread the gospel to all the nations it was his intent for each disciple to leave their comfort zone and cross barriers for the sake of the gospel. In these sessions, you will learn valuable information as well as practical skills and strategies that will help you and your church effectively minister in the urban community.

  • [Video Training] Coming Down From The Mountain Top Of A Camp Or A Mission Trip


    Cry Night at Camp. Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? How do we help students come down off the seemingly inevitable high that a summer camp or mission trip experience often elicits? How do we help them navigate through the emotions and streams upon streams of tears? How do we set those students up to take meaningful next steps in their faith? How do we set those students up to be discipled? And how do we ensure that they set their feet on solid ground and good soil? Join me in this masterclass as I lay out three tried-and-true ideas to successfully bring your students down off the mountain top of camp!

  • [Video Training] Shifting Your Ministry To A Culture Of Belonging & Ownership


    When students actively participate in the church, they find a sense of belonging and ownership. They become part of a community that supports and encourages them, fostering lifelong connections and friendships. By integrating students into the fabric of your church and community, you'll create an environment where they feel valued, heard, and empowered to make a difference.

  • [Video Training] Stress, Anxiety & Youth Ministry Leadership


    Youth ministry is hard. If we aren't careful, the stress and anxiety that comes with ministry can damage us, our marriage, our relationship with our children, our walk with the Lord, and our ministry. In this two-session Masterclass, Dr. Jody Dean will break down some practical ways to identify and navigate the stress and anxiety we all struggle with before it's too late.

  • [Video Training] Doing Great Ministry While Being A Great Spouse & Parent


    I once heard it said that when you get to the end of your time in ministry, you want the people who know you the best to love and respect you the most. How are you doing with that? If our spouse and our kids are our first and most important ministry, are we honoring the Lord with our time and our attention to them? In this one-session Masterclass, I want to give you ten tips to consider that can help you to do great ministry while being a great spouse and a great parent.

  • [Video Training] Building A Volunteer Team Structure


    So, you’ve got a volunteer team- that’s awesome! Have you ever considered structuring that team to provide clarity, fruitfulness, and fulfillment for those who serve with you? The idea of structure can feel intimidating or unnecessary, but a few key considerations could unlock the potential in the team of motivated volunteers you’ve already got. In this single-session Masterclass, we will look at what you can do to structure your volunteer team to ensure that they thrive in their key serving roles.

  • [Video Training] Youth Ministry Prepper 101: Calendering Discipleship


    Go and make disciples. Isn’t that what Jesus asks every youth ministry in the world to participate in? And every church, for that matter? If that’s the case, how are you orienting your ministry calendar to ensure maximum discipleship is taking place? And how are you measuring those things? In this Masterclass video, we’re going to unpack the three elements of Jesus’ Great Commission and give you six thoughts on ways to weave discipleship into your ministry calendar.


First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
