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Bringing More Creativity To Your Youth Ministry

Bringing More Creativity To Your Youth Ministry

Creativity is essential in adding a spark to our youth ministries. Whether you’re blessed with the gift of creativity, or if thinking creatively is a struggle, there are some basic things everyone can do to add a little flair to any event or Bible study.

Here are a few thoughts for helping maximize your creativity in your youth ministry setting.

Creativity Is More Than Natural Ability

In an article for Fast Company magazine, Bill Breen wrote about a study that found that creativity depends on many factors outside of ability. These factors included experience in the field of work, overall knowledge, and the passion a person has for what they do. 

In other words, even if creativity isn’t your talent, the longer you work in student ministry, and the more passion you have for your calling, the more likely you are to be able to think and plan creatively.

Think Small First

The most creative ideas often flow from a relatively minor form of inspiration. You might find yourself watching a TV sitcom and finding an example for an upcoming Bible study lesson. Or see a coffee mug and get an idea for an object lesson art for your next large group talk. It’s a good idea to keep your eyes open for creative advertising, design, or even fashion. The same concept works for content. Listen to podcasts, such as Catalyst or TED to look for parallels or even inspiration for your next talk or Bible study. Big ideas often come from seemingly small inspiration.

Grow Your Creative Muscles

Do specific exercises to get used to flexing your creative muscles. For example, grab an object off your desk and think of all the things that you can do with it in a youth group setting. 

For example, what could you do with a simple sheet of paper? You could have students cut out a paper heart and make a list of people they love, draw your hand and write down five things you are thankful for, make paper airplanes and have a flying contest, tear out the shape of a cross and write a verse about Jesus on the cross, or wad it up into a ball and throw it at that student who won’t stop talking (Just kidding. Maybe.). And so on. You can find a lot of these exercises on online. The idea is to grow in your ability to be creative. 

Creativity is a gift. And some people have more than others. But it’s also a wonderful ministry tool which can be developed through a simple love for students and student ministry.


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