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Mid-Week Stuff

  • Overcoming Elephants in the Room: Confronting What we Tend to Ignore


    Overcoming Elephants in the Room is a series all about how to address some of the biggest issues facing your students. These are issues that we may be unwilling to address because it’s awkward, uncomfortable, or it feels unnecessary. It’s like having an elephant in the room, everyone knows it’s there, but nobody wants to talk about it- it’s weird but it’s daunting, it’s uncomfortable but it’s unavoidable. The best thing to do when there’s an elephant in the room is to call it out, in this series, we’ll do just that!

  • Good Enough: His Power Made Perfect in Us


    Good Enough is a four-session sermon series, explores what it means to be good enough for God to use us. Here's the truth: none of us are good enough on our own. Yet, God chooses each of us for a glorious purpose within His plans, and only He can help us fulfill it. Join us as we discover how God's strength is made perfect in our weakness and how He can use anyone for His purposes.

  • Walk This Way: Finding Place and Purpose on Your Faith Journey


    The opening chapter of Colossians lays the foundation for our lives as followers of Jesus. It shows us how to determine where we are, where we came from, and where we are going in our walk with Jesus. In Walk This Way, we will walk step by step through the opening chapter of Paul's letter to the Colossians. 

  • He Is: The Character of God Revealed


    He Is, is a four-week series that looks at the story of the burning bush and what God says about Himself while revealing Himself to Moses. Oftentimes we make up characteristics about God or have no clue who God really is. Our belief is formed by the culture around us and how we grew up. The goal of this series is to take this story and focus on how God reveals Himself so students can have a better idea of who God is.

  • Awaken: Experiencing Easter in a Whole New Way


    Awaken is a four-session sermon series that will help your students see the Easter story from a new, and perhaps an uncomfortable, perspective. Easter is a time when we celebrate the culmination of God’s redemptive plan, but what Jesus had to endure in the days leading up to His death, burial, and resurrection is something we tend to leave out so, wake up and Easter afresh!

  • Good Vibes Only: Walking Through Life With The Good Shepherd


    Good Vibes Only, a four-session sermon series, will help your students realize the goodness of God all around them and in their own lives. God is all-good, all-powerful, all-loving– all the time. He shows His goodness, power, and love in our lives as He leads us and meets our needs, just like a good shepherd. Even in hard times or when we aren’t seeing His goodness, He is there and He is working. There is no limit to God’s goodness- we’ll discover that through this series, Good Vibes Only

  • Growing: Our Response To A Love Relationship With Jesus


    Growing is a four-session sermon series that will challenge your students to start seeing spiritual growth, prayer, Scripture memory, and serving not as some oppressive Christian obligation but instead as their response to a love relationship with Jesus. In this series, we will lay out the purpose and reasons for spiritual growth and focus on three disciplines that will help your students grab hold of, digest, and make them a habit in their lives.

  • The Whole Story: A Story of Wholeness Vs. Separation


    The Whole Story is a four-session sermon series that will challenge and equip your students to understand that unlike the story of separation that the world has told them is true about themselves, Jesus is telling a different story. Jesus’ story is one of wholeness, where all are loved no matter who they are or what they have done. Jesus’ story of wholeness will satisfy and transform those who believe it. And this same Jesus is inviting each and every one of your students to begin to allow His story of wholeness to take root in their own hearts so that they can then begin to love the world as Jesus did.

  • One Charge: Lessons In Kingdom From The Life Of Joseph


    One Charge: is a four-session sermon series that will explore four separate parts of the life of Joseph. This series will challenge your students’ perspectives on power, authority, and their responsibilities in the Kingdom of God. They will learn that God has much more planned for their lives than they think and will be better equipped to handle the weight of God-given authority.

  • Babylon: Following Jesus In A Foreign Land


    BABYLON: is a four-session sermon series that will help your students understand that as they follow Jesus, their liveswill look drastically different than the world around them. Students will learn what it looks like to stand strong in their faith even when they are faced with all the world’s temptations, and they will be better prepared to live for God in our modern-day Babylon.

  • Warrior: Putting On The Whole Armor of God


    WARRIOR: a four-session sermon series that will help your students better understand and be prepared for the spiritual battle that rages all around us. Students will learn that, as followers of Jesus, we are all warriors in a daily high stakes spiritual battle, but we can have confidence because Jesus has already won the war. In addition, they’ll learn to understand and utilize the different pieces of spiritual armor God has gifted us to fight this battle so that we can experience victory in Jesus.

  • Smoke: God's Present-Tense Presence


    SMOKE: a four-session sermon series, will explore four incredible Old Testament stories where God interacted with His people through smoke and fire. This series will challenge your students to step into God’s presence, power, provision, and priority. As they stare into the smoke and see how God reveals Himself, their hearts will be set on fire by God’s present-tense presence

  • Four Letter Words: Learning To Make More Of Jesus And Less Of Ourselves


    Four-Letter Words: Learning To Make More Of Jesus And Less Of Ourselves, a four-session sermon series, will challenge your students to shift their perspective on the priorities in their life and ask the questions: What could our faith look like if we actively put Jesus in the number one spot in our life? What could God do in us and through us if we began placing everything we want secondary to everything God wants for us?

  • Follow: Learning What It Means To Be A Disciple


    Follow: Learning What It Means To Be A Disciple, a four-session sermon series, will help your students understand that when they give their lives to Jesus, they aren’t just making a decision about their life after death; they are making a decision about their present life and what it means to follow Jesus as His disciple.

  • Connected: Building a Foundation of Prayer


    YM360's Sermon Series Connected: Building a Foundation of Prayer is designed to help students understand how important prayer is in the life of a believer. Prayer is not just tossing up some words with our eyes closed, but rather it is a gift allowing us to stand in the presence of a loving God.
