The Thread: Discovering the Thread of the Gospel Through the Big-Picture Story of the Bible
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Student ministry has changed a lot over the last eight years, so why shouldn’t your resources? We have put a fresh face on all of the digital and physical resources of The Thread: Discovering the Thread of the Gospel Through the Big-Picture Story of the Bible. The team also went through this 52-week downloadable Bible study to ensure that the same lessons you love and trust are built for today’s students. We’ve tossed out the dated material, cleaned up some previous grammatical errors, and made a better version of one of our most popular year-long Youth Ministry Bible studies!
Purchase The Thread and learn about God's story and how He wove His thread of love through every page.
Group-sized Licensing
Please choose your average weekly participant group size for this Bible study to ensure you are licensed appropriately for your group size!
Go Deeper Than Surface-Level
Move beyond the fun and games and teach with resources that are centered in God's Word and draw students closer to God. The Thread walks through the story of the Gospel through Scripture in four main parts, each with 13 lessons:
A People Rise, A People Fall
The Gospel Come to Life
The Gospel at Work
Do your students really have a grasp of the narrative of the Bible? Further, do they really understand the Gospel—and that the Gospel literally courses through the entire narrative of the Bible?
Know Where Your Curriculum Is Going
YM360's Bible Study Curriculum is designed to exceed expectations and take care of the details so that youth workers can focus on what really matters—proclaiming the Gospel to their students.
The Thread includes:
Access for unlimited teachers within your church, regardless of attendance or church size
Lesson plans with historical and Biblical background (PDF and DOC versions included)
Teacher prep videos for each lesson allowing your leaders to prepare more easily
Parent pages for each lesson to help empower your students' parents to lead their teenagers' discipleship process
After-lesson devotionals to keep your students connected to the lessons during the week
Presentation background images and promo art
We are confident that one of our Bible Study Curriculum options will meet the needs of your youth ministry, which is why we offer a 200% Guarantee. If one of our studies doesn't meet the needs of your group, we'll issue you a refund and allow you to continue using the material.
Speak Life Into Your Students
The Thread is designed to accomplish two simple things:
Your students will learn the big-picture story of the Bible. So many teenagers simply don't have a grasp of the narrative of the Bible—key characters, key events. Few teenagers understand how these elements fit into the story of God and His people. The Thread changes this.
Your students will learn what the Gospel is and how it literally courses through the narrative of Scripture. Not only will your students learn the story of the Bible, but they will see that it is a story of unfailing love, as God seeks from the beginning of Creation to draw humankind to Him through the grace of the Gospel.
The Thread will teach your teenagers God's story. And it will teach them how God wove His thread of love through every page of it.
Lesson Overview
Part 1: Beginnings
Week 1: Introduction | Seeing The Gospel in All of Scripture Week 2: Creation
Week 3: Sin and the Fall
Week 4: The Faith of Noah and God’s Hatred of Sin
Week 5: Abraham and the Birth of A People Week 6: The Offering of Issac
Week 7: Jacob and Esau
Week 8: Joseph and His Brothers
Week 9: Moses and the Burning Bush Week 10: The Plagues and the Passover Week 11: The Exodus and the Red Sea Week 12: The Ten Commandments
Week 13: Joshua and the Promised Land
Part 2: A People Rise, A People Fall
Week 1: The Period of the Judges Week 2: Ruth and Redemption Week 3: Saul and the Need for a King Week 4: Samuel Anointing David Week 5: David, Bathsheba, and Nathan Week 6: David and the Psalms Week 7: The Rise and Fall of Solomon Week 8: The Divided Kingdom Week 9: The Destruction of Israel and Judah Week 10: The Prophets Week 11: Daniel in Exile Week 12: Nehemiah and Rebuilding Week 13: Messianic Prophecy from Isaiah
Part 3: The Gospel Come to Life
Week 1: Jesus' Birth and the Shepherds Week 2: John the Baptist and Jesus' Baptism Week 3: Temptation of Jesus Week 4: The Calling of the Disciples Week 5: Jesus Heals A Paralytic Week 6: Jesus Feeds The 5,000 Week 7: Peter's Confession of Christ Week 8: The Parable of the Lost Son Week 9: The Raising of Lazarus Week 10: The Last Supper Week 11: Jesus' Arrest and Trial Week 12: The Crucifixion and Burial Week 13: The Resurrection
Part 4: The Gospel at Work
Week 1: Jesus Appears to Disciples and the Ascension Week 2: The Holy Spirit and Pentecost Week 3: A Picture of the Early Church Week 4: The Murder of Stephen and Persecution Week 5: Paul's Conversion and Mission Week 6: A Letter from Paul, Part 1 (The Roman Road) Week 7: A Letter from Paul, Part 2 (The Supremacy of Christ in Colossians 1) Week 8: A Letter from Peter (The Priesthood of Believers) Week 9: A Letter from James (Faith Must Be Lived Out) Week 10: A Letter to the Hebrews (Pursuing Faith) Week 11: A Letter from John (Known By Our Love from 1 John) Week 12: A Revelation, Part 1 (The Wedding Feast) Week 13: A Revelation, Part 2 (New Jerusalem and God Dwelling With His People)
What's Included
Bundle Purchase Options
The Foundation Series: A 3-Year Bible Study Strategy
Interactive Leader Guides
The Thread features biblically solid, highly interactive Leader's Guides. PDF and DOC versions included.
Student Devotions
The Thread features 5 short devotions per lesson, provided in image form to post to social media, as well as printable versions. Also, check out our Tracing the Thread 52-Week Devotional Journal that helps your students grow deeper alongside the weekly lessons in The Thread.
Parent Pages
Empower your parents to lead their teenager's discipleship journey through weekly parent pages, available in PDF and DOC versions.
Promotional Artwork
The Thread comes with social media images to help you make connections via social media outside of your group time.
Presentation Background Images
The Thread comes with background images sized to fit ProPresenter, PowerPoint, or any other presentation software you use.
Teacher Prep Videos
Each lesson features a short video that guides your teachers in how to prepare their lesson.
The Thread Curriculum Devotional Bundle
Purchase The Thread Curriculum Devotional Bundle and give your students a premium devotional experience that helps them grow deeper in their study of God's Word alongside your lessons each week. Includes The Thread Curriculum and 10 Tracing the Thread Devotional Journals, with options for adding additional journals.
We are confident a 52-week Bible Study Curriculum by YM360 will meet the needs of your Youth Ministry. We're so confident that we're offering you the exclusive Bible Study Curriculum by YM360 200% Guarantee. Try the study out, at no risk to you today. You'll obviously love it, so you'll want to keep the study, but if you use it and feel like it doesn't meet the needs of your youth ministry, we will issue you a full refund on the spot, and you can even keep the study. We're that confident that you will love your study and that it will make an impact on your ministry.
What Youth Workers Are Saying
First let me say I really enjoy going through my YM360 curriculum with our students. The units don't shy away from the tough subjects, but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.
Our students are engaged with the lessons and I know myself and several other leaders love the layout of the lessons. You guys do a great job with making the lesson seamless.
I just wanted to say thank you for the teachings that you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.So once again, thank you for the teachings that have been so carefully prepared and structured for teens!
Just a quick note to say thank you for all your time & effort put into the our curriculum. I've used it for the last 1.5 years for our youth group here in eastern Canada & have been really enjoying it. Solid stuff, easy to follow & I believe it's connecting with the youth here.
Loving our YM360 curriculum! You guys are so good at building a whole vision and not just giving you a lesson! Thank you!
Our adult teachers are very impressed with the lessons in your studies, and the students enjoy it as well. Thank you for providing excellence in your ministry!
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